CWA of LV brings you a versatile and unique way of training martial arts , through the concepts of Jeet Kune Do we will explore Lama Kung Fu , Tai Chi , Boxing/Kickboxing , Grappling , & Kali/Eskrima/JKD . Weapons, Baton , Knife self defense for the streets as well as tournament training available . Personal training , conditioning , Boot Camp style workouts also available .
Privates , semi-privates and group classes available , YOUR journey begins here ! CALL NOW! 937-719-2050
Senior Instructor Sifu Justin Cataldi CDF 4th Degree Black Sash Tibetan Lama Kung Fu / Tai Chi certified by Sifu Jack Soderberg CDF Las Vegas Senior Instructor Kali / Eskrima / Jeet Kune Do certified by Guro Richard Lamoureaux Pulahan Mandirigma Legions Tuhon certified by SGM Lakan Marc Behic