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Beginners or advenced students welcome , we can train you at your level . 

About the Instructor

Hello Im Sifu Justin Cataldi , I started training in martial arts at the age of 13 in 1984 . My first art was Tibetan Lama Kung Fu which I started training under Sifu Steven Greenbaum , who later became CEO of Postnet and was featured on the TV show " Undercover Boss" , In 1990 I began training in Kali/JKD , Kickboxing and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu under Dave Howard . In 2000 I began training with Guro Rich Lamoureaux where I continued to train in Kickboxing and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu as well as Kung Fu , Jeet Kune Do and Filipino Martial Arts Guro Rich is certified under GrandMaster Dan Inosanto , Guro Ted Lucay Jr  and Guro Paul Vunak (to name a few he has also trained with Guro Nate Defensor , GM Angel Cabales , GM Diony Canete , the list goes on .) I began training the same year with Sifu Jack Soderberg furthering my training in Tibetan Lama Kung Fu , Tai Chi & Jeet Kune Do , Sifu Jack is certified under Legendary Kung Fu GrandMaster Wai Lun Choi and GrandMaster Danny  Inosanto. In 2004 I began also training with Big Kenny D. studying street self defense / grappling for 7yrs .I have trained in the Filipino healing arts known as hilot to build my mana/Anting under Sgm Behic .  I have been blessed to have so many great teachers in my life and now I can share all this unique information with you .Lakan Marc,  Sifu Jack and Guro Rich trained me well and to this day I continue to train with both of them  , as  one never stops learning , this is the way of the arts.

As GM Danny would tell my Sifu , " Im a forever student of the arts "

"To Master others is strength , To Master yourself is true Power'
~Lao Tzu~
privates available during the day and weekends with appt.

We have learned Martial Arts from around the world to bring YOU a well balanced , well rounded system , with heavy emphasis on Filipino Martial






Now is the beginning of the rest of your life ! Dont waste another moment ! Be a NEW YOU ! CALL NOW !
937-719-2050 Sifu Justin
Group class hrs

The goal of Creative Warrior Academy is to help others achieve their goals and make lifelong changes a reality

Guro Rich in GM Dan Inosantos class mid 80s

Teaching in a private location in Las Vegas call or email for info
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Guro Nate Defensor , GM Inosanto & Guro Rich

Sifu Jack in GM Wai Lun Choi's class late 70s

Guro Rich , Sifu Jack & GM Wai Lun Choi

Sifu Jack and Sifu Steve Greenbaum with JKD core member Guro Larry Hartsell

Sifu Jack and Sifu Rich promoting me to 4th degree Black Sash in the CDF system 

Privates are $40 per class , or $125 each month for 1 class per week for 1 month

i am also available for workshops or seminars as well . Classes are a hour and a half long .

Teaching in a private location in Las Vegas please call 937-719-2050 to set up a meeting with me thank you 

Sifu Justin Cataldi Founder/Senior Instructor @ Creative Warrior Academy of LV

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